Friday, November 13, 2009

New CNN Skull And Bones Piece

Airing Fate Nov.12, 2009

New CNN Skull And Bones Piece

skull and bones george bush prescott new world order neocon john kerry iraq iran federal reserve bin ladin 911

Glenn Beck Interviews Pete Hoestra

Glenn Beck Interviews Pete Hoestra

Part 1 of 2 :

Part 2of 2 :

Tags : Bernanke, Paulson, Credit Crisis, Subprime El Erian, Roubini, Recession, Crunch, Charlie Rose Marc Faber, Bailout, Economy, Stocks Peter Schiff, Glenn Beck, Depression Crash, Obama, Election Bill Seidman James Grant, Subprime, Mortgage Ron Paul, Bailouts, Foreclosures, Housing, Negative Equity David Walker, Fiscal, Stiglitz, International Asia Nargolwala Paulsen, Fed, Baltics Emerging Markets Banks & FDIC Smithers Ted Spread, Libor, Barry Ritholz, Fusion IQ, Chrysler, LTCM Commentary Analysis Jim Cramer Bear Buffett Dollar, China, International, Commercial Real Estate, Construction Depression, Deflation, Currencies, Euro, Yen, Bonner, Agora, Megan McArdle Froehlich Boockvar Bell Minyanville Gold Hyperinflation Todd Harrison US, UK, Mortgage, News Meltdown, Rescue, Rates, Central Banks, Stocks, Alan American Authers Capitalism Debt European Excellent Financial Freeze Greenspan John Slump. Street Vulture Wall Foreclosure, O'Neill, Interest Galbraith Stimulus Hungary, Eastern Europe,