Friday, July 19, 2013
Obama: Trayvon Martin 'Could Have Been Me'
Collapse Of America Stossel America Now Is Starting To Look A lot Like Rome Stossel O'Reilly
Conveniently omitting the #1 problem for both Rome and USA. War. Anything antiwar strictly prohibited on FOX, especially with the warrior wannabe, ORiley. Wars and the "legions" who fight them across the world ain't cheap.
The police are out of control in this country.....and now with the race wars...this is all going to all get even worse....folks be very careful where ever you go....and ask Almighty GOD to protect you when you go out and it seems we are under attack by the thugs and police.....more than ever before....Satan is having a hey day with the USA
THE HAWK On The Survive To Thrive Broadcast via Friday July,19th 2013
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
The program digs deep into current topics that include questions about who is really running America, who is really benefiting from the massive financial bailouts, who and what is behind controversial legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA, Agenda 21, and other issues that are rarely addressed with focus, clarity and accuracy. No stone is left unturned, no topic left untouched.
Certain pivotal events that changed the course of U.S. and world history are also subjected to investigative scrutiny, from the start of the Federal Reserve, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the McCarthy hearings, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the BCCI scandal, the attacks of 9/11 and events taking place through the various presidential administrations of William Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son and now Barack Hussein Obama. The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don't always agree on matters of intent and motive! Real information. Real truth. Less hype. TOGETHER, THEY ARE AMERICA'S PREMIER FATHER-SON INVESTIGAIVE TEAM!
Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions
Author and researcher Steve Quayle warned of an orchestrated effort to destroy and takeover the United States and destabilize the world. "They're going to try, the Luciferians, to get the Christians to kill the Jews... the Muslims to kill the Jews and the Christians... they want total social upheaval," he said. Quayle linked a variety of issues, including the Department of Homeland Security's massive purchase of ammunition, FEMA prison camps, and the loss of freedoms in the United States. He also warned of a Russian invasion of America, terrorists bringing weapons of mass destruction into the country, a nuclear attack by Iran, and food prices that could rise by as much as 175% next year.
Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions.
Chris Hedges: "America is a Tinderbox"
On Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay asks Chris Hedges if the American Left bears responsibility for the weakness of the mass movement; Hedges says the gravest mistake of the left is not articulating a viable vision of socialism
Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
Chris Hedges
Billionaire Steven Cohen Accused of Failing to Prevent Insider Trading
Detroit Files For Bankruptcy As The USA Begins Race To The Bottom!
Once at the heart of the US car industry, Detroit becomes the biggest city in American history to file for bankruptcy.
Detroit, once the hub of America's car industry, has become the biggest city in US history to file for bankruptcy with debts estimated at $18.5bn (£12.1bn). The federal bankruptcy court filing, which has been feared for months, puts the city on an uncertain course and sets the stage for a costly court battle with creditors.
The bankruptcy, if approved by a federal judge, would force Detroit's thousands of creditors into negotiations with the city's Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to resolve the debt that has crippled Michigan's largest city.
UK Bankers commit Massive Extortion
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask whether or not it will ever be possible to unwind quantitative easing as the parallel universe it has created sucks out interest payments and central bankers' brain cells. They discuss the latest in a long line of market rigging - this time the traders who allegedly rigged QE. In the second half, Max talks to Pete Comley, author of Inflation Tax, about inflation, how government regulated prices are rising the fastest, and the pound sterling's century-long decline. Comley also asks where are the protests in the UK against the 11 percent theft of savings by quantitative easing.
Greece Is Better Off Than Detroit
Alex Jones Show: Lord Christopher Monckton - Friday (7-19-13)
On the Friday, July 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News anchor David Knight assumes the news desk breaking down the L.A. Times cover-up of 'Looting for Trayvon' flashmob riots where teens wearing hoodies smashed storefront windows, destroyed property and assaulted passersby in Hollywood while yelling, "Let's go mess up Hollywood for Trayvon," as the media outfit claimed riots were unrelated to the Zimmerman verdict. David also reports on the release of new photos showing accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev emerging from his boat hideout with not a throat wound to be seen. On today's show, Alex Jones will also be popping in to discuss the TSA's launch of an invasive and audacious new procedure of conducting unwarranted searches on cars in airport parking lots. David also invites Lord Christopher Monckton to explain the UK's Independence Party's great strides towards becoming extremely viable candidates in next year's European Parliament elections. He'll also analyze Obama's future climate change initiatives and the greasing of the skids to pursue climate change legislation and initiate carbon taxes.
Detroit Bankruptcy 101
Breaking News : Putin orders Massive War Games - last days End Times News update 7-19-13
July 19 2013 Breaking News MOSCOW (AFP) -- President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday inspected huge military exercises Russia's army is carrying out close to the borders with Japan and China, in one of its biggest shows of force in the Asia-Pacific region of recent years. Russia is in the midst of its biggest war games since Soviet times, with 160,000 troops, 130 planes, 70 ships and thousands of tanks and armored vehicles participating in the country's Far East," reports CNN. "Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the drills last Friday and they began that night, according to reports from the RIA Novosti news agency. Putin flew to Sakhalin island off the eastern coast to oversee the games on Tuesday, Russia's presidential press service reported."
Some of the units involved in the exercises moved more than 3,000 kilometers (1,800 miles) from their bases to participate, according to the Russian media reports. The current drills, which are expected to last through the week, are the latest in a series of snap exercises conducted by the Russian military this year."
"President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia can be proud of its military, which has shown a 'high degree' of combat readiness during the nation's biggest war games in more than two decades," reports AP.
"Today we can be proud of our army," Putin said.
"The Kremlin has launched an ambitious arms modernization program that envisages spending over 20 trillion rubles (more than $615 billion) on new weapons through 2020," notes AP.
RT News - 160,000 servicemen, 1000 tanks, 130 planes and 70 ships are taking part in Russia's biggest military drill since Soviet times. The war games will continue in the country's Far East until July 20.
The maneuvers are the latest in series of surprise military checks which performed by Russia, in an effort to reveal and oust flaws in the country's defense program.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu received an order to test the battle readiness of the Eastern command, which unites military forces in the Far East and Trans-Baikal. The request was received from President Vladimir Putin at 01:00 local time (21:00 GMT) on Saturday, July 13.
Following the order, 160,000 servicemen were put on high alert and began advancing toward the training sites.
According to the Defense Ministry, around 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles, 130 planes and helicopters, and 70 ships are taking part in the war games.
Military commanders in the Far East and Trans-Baikal learned of the drill's details only after it had begun, receiving a secret parcel from Defense Minister Shoygu.
"The main purpose of the activities is to check the readiness of the military units to perform assigned tasks and evaluate of the level of personnel's training and technical preparation as well as the level of equipment of units with arms and military equipment," the defense ministry said in statement.
The statement noted that the drill would require some units to travel more than 3,000 kilometers from their usual deployment sites. Seven hundred flat wagons and 50 railway cars were assigned to perform the transfer.
The ground forces have been given two days to reach their destination. They have been tasked with pitching field camps, masking their positions, and organizing defense strategies upon arrival.
The transfer is being secured by military air power. Sukhoi Su-27 fighters took off from their bases in Ussuriysk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur in order to protect ferry crossings to Sakhalin Island and escort Pacific Fleet ships. The pilots are also practicing search and destroy methods of water-based targets.
The Russian Navy, along with its fleet, is participating in drills in the Sea of Okhotsk. The Navy owns the guided-missile cruiser 'Varyag,' large anti-submarine ships 'Marshal Shaposhnikov' and 'Admiral Vinogradov,' assault ships 'Oslyabya' and "Nikolay Vilkov,' and fleet destroyer 'Bystry,' and a number of other vessels -- all of which are taking part in the war games.
The fleet, accompanied by Tupolev Tu-124 and Ilyushin Il-38 anti-boat planes, has already successfully executed the task of search and detection of simulated enemies' submarines.
President Putin also asked the defense minister to train "rescue at sea and rescue of vehicles, including submarines" during the maneuvers.
Surprise checks within the Russian military began after Shoygu took up the position of defense minister in November 2012.
Similar unannounced drills have already been performed in the southern, west and central military districts, with President Putin calling them "extremely useful and effective in terms of identifying problems and their subsequent removal."
Neo-SURVIVALISM ~ Preparing for Disasters with Mat Stein
Author Mat Stein discussed what individuals can do to prepare for disaster scenarios and unexpected disruptions, such as what might occur during a terrorist attack. For short-term emergencies, he stressed the importance of having a 'Grab-and-Run Kit', which would include basic survival items for a period of up to three days. Water is crucial, and one should have purification chemicals and/or filters, he said. A Colloidal Silver generator would also be useful-- the silver particles can act as an antibiotic and kill pathogens, he noted.
Stein argued for sustainability practices such as growing and preparing your own food. Wheat seeds can be sprouted to make Essene bread. In terms of storing food, canned and dried supplies have different shelf lives, and should be rotated to keep fresh, he advised.
He also spoke about the value of tapping into your intuition in dire circumstances where decisions need to be made. In his "Pit of the Stomach exercise," he suggested that people take a few deep breaths until relaxed, then picture in their mind each alternative or choice. The best option will have a more relaxed feeling in the solar plexus region; the worst option will feel tight in this area, he explained.
Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who are actively preparing for emergencies as well as possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales ranging from local to international. Survivalists often have emergency medical and self-defence training, stockpile food and water, prepare for self-sufficiency, and build structures that will help them survive or "disappear" (e.g. a survival retreat or underground shelter).
Anticipated disruptions include the following: Clusters of natural disasters, patterns of apocalyptic planetary crises, or Earth Changes (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, solar storms, severe thunderstorms). A disaster caused by the activities of humankind (chemical spills, release of radioactive materials, nuclear or conventional war, oppressive governments). The general collapse of society caused by the shortage or unavailability of resources such as electricity, fuel, food, or water. Financial disruption or economic collapse (caused by monetary manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, or depression). A global pandemic. Widespread chaos or some other unexplained apocalyptic event.
Mainstream emergency preparations
People who are not part of survivalist groups or apolitically oriented religious groups also make preparations for emergencies. This can include (depending on the location) preparing for earthquakes, floods, power outages, blizzards, avalanches, wildfires, terrorist attacks, nuclear power plant accidents, hazardous material spills, tornadoes, and hurricanes. These preparations can be as simple as following Red Cross and U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommendations by keeping a first aid kit, shovel, and extra clothes in the car, or by maintaining a small kit of emergency supplies, containing emergency food, water, a space blanket, and other essentials.
The advent of H1N1 Swine Flu in 2009 piqued interest in survivalism, significantly boosting sales of preparedness books and making survivalism more mainstream.[23] Events such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami have revitalized the survivalist community.
These developments led Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute, to identify a trend that he calls "Neo-Survivalism". He explained this phenomenon in a radio interview with Jim Puplava on December 18, 2009:
When Disaster Strikes: A Comprehensive Guide for Emergency Planning and Crisis Survival , When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency, 2nd Edition Matthew Stein
Boston Marathon Terrorist - Police Investigation Underway Into Realease Of Graphic Tsarnaev Images
Boston Marathon Terrorist - Police Investigation Underway Into Release Of Graphic Tsarnaev Images
TSA Searches Inside Parked Cars at Airport, Using Keys Stored by Valet Attendants
TSA Searches Inside Parked Cars at Airport, Using Keys Stored by Valet Attendants --- ROCHESTER, NY -- The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has now expanded its intrusive searching protocol to include the interior of parked cars left at the airport. One woman in Rochester alerted News10NBC that she had been left a note from the TSA on her dashboard, notifying her that they had entered her car to look around. TSA agents had apparently opened up her locked car using the key she left with valet parking attendants.
TSA officials said that they conduct a 3-phase trespass in your private property. They inspect the trunk, engine, and scan the interior of the car.
Detroit Bankrupt: Disaster Decades in the Making
Detroit a Sad, Troubled City
What is happening with the Planet ~ Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Climate Change,
An Earth Changes Special
A group of experts discussed earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and climate change, and shared their predictions as to what we might expect in 2008 and beyond. First, geologist Jim Berkland and author/earthquake 'sensitive' Cal Orey spoke about quakes and weather cycles. Berkland noted that there's a relationship between earthquakes and heavy rain/snow, which can cause loading to the crust.
Offering their predictions, Orey suggested that there'd be flooding in the Tahoe area, a possible quake in Alaska affecting the West Coast, and around a 6.0 quake in or offshore Northern California within a year. Berkland finds it more likely that a 6.0 will hit Southern California this year, with a seismic window particularly strong in the new moon periods of May, June and July. As a sensitive, Orey said she sometimes hears "ear tones" before a quake; Berkland stated that some sensitives get headaches before earthquakes.
In the third hour, volcanologist R.B. Trombley and author Stan Deyo appeared. Deyo warned of extremes in the weather, and severe crop failures in the next 7-10 years. We could be facing extreme heat and fires if the sun's core starts to shrink, he said, citing solar changes as well as biblical and American Indian prophecies.
Trombley reported there've been 21 eruptions so far this year (some began in 2007), including Mount St. Helens. Yellowstone had some "background seismicity" but is rumbling along in normal mode. In the last hour, Berkland returned to join Deyo for listeners' phone calls.
Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive "black project", headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of "flying saucer technology".
Geologist Jim Berkland was suspended from a California Government Geology Job when he made a prediction that a major quake would occur during the 1989 World Series in the Oakland Bay Area. It hit and the government told him to not make any more predictions. Now that he is retired, he publicly states quake windows. Mr. Berkland uses tidal flooding tables based upon Lunar Perigee (time when the moon is closest to earth to affect more gravitational pull on the earth).
Robert "R.B." Trombley, Ph.D., is the founder and Principal Research Volcanologist of SWVRC and is a registered vulcanologist with the International Association of Volcanology & Chemistry of the Earth's Interior(IAVCEI). He is an award winning scientist and has traveled all over the world working on volcanoes. Dr. Trombley is also affiliated with many other volcanology associations. He is the principal designer of the highly successful software program "ERUPTION" Pro 10.5 which provides long-range forecasts of volcanic eruptions all over the world.
"R. B." has written, and had accepted, a paper for the American Geophysical Union (AGU), as well asseveral other papers, authored the book "Island Born of Fire: Piton de laFournaise" and has also written several articles involving volcanology forvarious volcano related publications. Dr. Trombley has also served as one ofthe Technical Advisors to the National Geographic Society on a TV documentary about volcanoes. He has been elected to "Who's Who" twice in his career. Dr. Trombley is a Professor Emeritus at the Phoenix, Arizona campusof the DeVRY University. Dr. Trombley received his BSEE from the Lawrence Institute of Technology, his Law degree from LaSalle University and hisPh.D. from Dallas State College and completed post-doctorate work at UCLAand the University of New Mexico in geology & physics.
Cal Orey, once dubbed a "health and pets writer," is not just an author. A native Californian, this sensitive animal lover spread her wings in 2004. Orey wrote the book, The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes. The author knew her late pets sensed the Oct. 17, 1989 World Series Quake, a 7.1 monster that geologist Jim Berkland predicted and coined. But through her research for the book, she has discovered that she, too, can sense imminent shakers. She is one of the countless "earthquake sensitives" -- humans who have shown an ability to detect precursors that signal an upcoming quake.
Detroit Bankruptcy | Can Detroit Realistically Get Itself Out of Debt?
Steve Keen ~ It is The Private Debt Stupid!
Steve Keen, Debunking Economics, joins Thom Hartmann. The GOP and its austerity-hawk allies have been warning us for years that the American economy is drowning in a sea of debt.
Debunking Economics - Revised and Expanded Edition: The Naked Emperor Dethroned?
Steve Keen
Detroit Bankrupt news conference historical
TSA now search inside Cars Parked at Airports
Rochester, N.Y. -- She says she had no warning that someone was going to search her car after she left to catch her flight. So the woman contacted News10NBC.
We found out it happened to her because she valet parked her car. Those are the only cars that get inspected.
So if security feels it is necessary to search some cars in the name of safety, why not search all of them?
Laurie Iacuzza walked to her waiting car at the Greater Rochester International Airport after returning from a trip and that's when she found it -- a notice saying her car was inspected after she left for her flight. She said, “I was furious. They never mentioned it to me when I booked the valet or when I picked up the car or when I dropped it off.”
Henry Kissinger : Those Who Reject the New World Order are Terrorists
Henry Kissinger actually publicly stated that those who oppose the New World Order are "terrorists".
Henry Kissinger in a speech given in Istanbul, Turkey on May 31, 2007, while the Bilderberg conference was simultaneously underway, just a few miles down the road.

"What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system, and they're trying to regroup it to a radical Islamic fundamentalists kind."
Detroit files for biggest US City Bankruptcy
Detroit has become the largest city in Unites States history to file for bankruptcy after decades of decline and mismanagement rendered the city insolvent.William Black, a professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, talks to Al Jazeera about Detroit filing bankruptcy.