Monday, March 11, 2013

Long term Plan To Enslave The West Revealed! ~ Fritz Springmeier 2013

Long term Plan To Enslave The West Revealed! Vinny Eastwood, Baran Hines And Fritz Springmeier 2013

Fritz Springmeier's latest book is Bloodlines of the Illuminati, a literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information that exposes the dynasties that make up the global eliteThis 624-page, large format book is a literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information that exposes the dynasties that make up the global elite. Who really controls world events from behind-the-scenes? Bloodlines of the Illuminati answers the questions and provides a devastating exposé of the people and families who are the movers and shakers of the entire world. Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work which is rich in detail. Includes photos, illustrations, charts, and membership lists to the most elite secret societies in the world.

Max Keiser ~ Buy Bitcoin and Kill the FED

Max Keiser admits that he has become a bitcoin millionaire after bitcoin increased by 200 percent this year , Forget 10,000 US. This will be the Moon Shot the stackers have been dreaming about. We now live in a Digital Electronic Age. When Bernanke said 'Barborous Relik' he was Spot-On. Maybe the only sensible thing this guy ever said. I will now let you into a little secret. Ever heard of the New World Order ? The 'Global Digital Currency' ? Well here it is. You can jump on or be left behind. Your choice - The Slave Queeen ??? LOL - Get yourself an ASIC Miner - that's future of Global Digital Money.
The entire Internet exists only in Cyber Space. All of the current payment systems are Old World pre-internet. The Internet is desperate for a digital peer-2-peer currency. This is the New World Order currency , you can either adopt it or be left behind.

The forcing of St. Malachy prophecy to come to pass over the years

The forcing of St. Malachy prophecy to come to pass over the years

Brown, Anthony Cave. Dropshot: The American Plan for World War III Against Russia in 1957. The Dial Press, New York, 1978.
Cornwall, John. Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pope Pius XII. Penguin Putnam, 1999.
Hoffman, Paul. O Vatican. A Slightly Wicked View of the Holy See. Congdon & Weed, New York, 1984.
Lisi-Galeazzi, Riccardo.Dans L'Ombre et Dans La Lumière de Pie XII (Shadow and Light of Pope Pius XII). Flammarion, Paris, France, 1960. (Unfortunately no English translation exists).
Lacouture, Jean. Jesuits: a Multibiography. Counterpoint, Wash. City, 1995.
Murphy, Paul I. La Popessa. Warner Communications, New York, 1983.
McDonough, Peter. Men Astutely Trained: A History of the Jesuits in the American Century. The Free Press, New York, 1992.
Pallenberg, Corrado. The Vatican from Within. George G. Haarp & Co., London, 1961.
Passelecq, Georges & Suchecky, Bernard. The Hidden Encyclical of Pius XI. Harcourt Brace & Co., New York, 1997.

WARNING : Zombie UFO Crash FEMA DRILL scheduled for Saturday April 27th 2013 in Idaho

This is not a joke. This is a REAL FEMA DRILL scheduled for “Saturday April 27th 2013 9:00am to 5:00pm” in Moscow, Idaho involving 100 participants. There are two scenarios. The original event on the calendar of the website can be found here

The NSA Is Lying : U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Emails Says NSA Whistleblower

National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney reveals he believes domestic surveillance has become more expansive under President Obama than President George W. Bush. He estimates the NSA has assembled 20 trillion "transactions" — phone calls, emails and other forms of data — from Americans. This likely includes copies of almost all of the emails sent and received from most people living in the United States. Binney talks about Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and challenges NSA Director Keith Alexander's assertion that the NSA is not intercepting information about U.S. citizens.

Guns Control: The Great Debate - Stuff They Don't Want You to Know

It's an understatement to say that firearm legislation is controversial in the United States. Some believe that gun ownership is a citizen's last line of defense against the government, while others believe the lack of effective gun control is a miscarriage of justice, responsible for thousands of deaths each year. And both sides accuse the other of distorting the facts. So who's correct? Tune in to Stuff They Don't Want You To Know and learn more about gun control in the first part of our series.

Max Keiser ~ Alex Jones Show: Monday (3-11-13)

Alex Jones Show: Monday (3-11-13) Max Keiser

On the Monday, March 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the prospect of America being overrun with surveillance drones following yet another drone spotted within three miles of LaGuardia Airport in New York. He also dispels the double talk of the Obama administration as it promises it will not murder Americans with killer drones after previously stating it would target terrorists on American soil with the high-tech gizmos. He also covers an unearthed Bilderberg report revealing that a war in the Middle East appears to be in the cards as events in Syria and Iran continue to unfold. On today's worldwide broadcast, Jones talks with former stock trader and television host Max Keiser about the roller coaster stock market casino and the slowly disintegrating global economy as the global elite continue their move to consolidate wealth and power.

How the coming World War 3 will Develop in 2013 ?

How the coming World War 3 will Develop in 2013 ?

10 March 2013 Russia threatens USA with Nuclear attack - end times news update 3-10-13 MOSCOW — Russia has reported efforts by the West to block weapons exports to Syria. Meanwhile, Sunni rebels in Syria are acquiring Russian-made weapons from Serbia. A senior official said Western countries were using a range of means to stop the shipment of Russian weapons to Damascus. The official said, however, that the Kremlin has still maintained military deliveries to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. The Russian ships are lured into ports and arrested there under various devised pretexts," Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation director Alexander Fomin said. "When the ships are at sea, any insurance is canceled." In a radio interview on March 2, Fomin did not specify cases in which Russia failed to complete arms shipments. He said the attempts reflected an organized effort by the international community. "A real war has been declared against us," Fomin said. Over the last year, both Britain, Finland and Turkey reported the interception of Russian defense shipments to Syria, including radars and main battle tank components. Damascus has been one of the two largest Middle East clients of Russia's defense industry. Meanwhile, Sunni rebels have acquired what they termed a powerful anti-tank weapon in their war against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Rebels have displayed the RPG-27, a shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launch system. The Russian-origin RPG was designed to penetrate the armor of Syrian Army combat armored vehicles, including the T-72 main battle tank. In a display in northern Syria, rebels also unveiled the RPG-6 launcher, another Russian weapon. The rebels said the weapons were deployed by the so-called Victory Brigade, an Islamist rebel unit that operates in the Hama province. Another Islamist rebel militia, Ahrar Al Sham, also displayed the RPG-27 and -6. An Ahrar spokesman said Islamist militias have been sharing these weapons as part of intensified coordination. The RPG-6 was said to have been manufactured in Serbia under Russian license. Earlier, Western reports asserted that Serbia was supplying weapons to the rebels in a deal financed by Saudi Arabia. Rebels said additional new heavy weapons were delivered to Islamist militias in 2013. They said the weapons, which include the Chinese FN-6 surface-to-air missile, were also financed by Qatar. Russia Warning in St Petersburg against interference in third-party global conflicts, Medvedev said: "At some moment such actions, which undermine sovereignty Syria, Iran, North Korea, can end with a full-fledged regional war, or even, and I don't want to scare anybody, the use of nuclear weapons NATO Missile Defense Forcing Russia To Take Countermeasures February 2013 The lack of agreement on missile defense may negatively affect Russia-NATO cooperation in other areas, too, because Russian relations to the Western alliance rely on strategic stability, Russian Ambassador to NATO Alexander Grushko said in Brussels yesterday. As reported on Voice of Russia radio this morning, Grushko warned that if the nuclear balance is upset by the realization of NATO-supported U.S. plans for a stage-by-stage deployment of a missile defense system, this would strongly affect the entire range of cooperation in the framework of the Russia-NATO Council. Russia''s probable retaliation measures to the missile defense system also were on the agenda of talks which Speaker of the State Duma Sergey Naryshkin had with French members of parliament in Paris Naryshkin stressed that Russia needs "guarantees backed by objective technical parameters that this system will not be targeted against Russia.... When someone tells us in words that this system is not targeted against Russia but refuses to sign a legally binding agreement in deeds, this certainly raises doubts in us," he said, insisting that security should be equal for all countries and indivisible. Naryshkin warned that Moscow "cannot twiddle its thumbs while its U.S. partners make decisions on deploying missile defense elements in Europe and putting them into practice.... But this is surely not our choice." Naryshkin said Russia will have to take measures in response to the missile defense system's deployment. It's common knowledge that, when it comes to protecting us from a nuclear launch by a major power such as Russia or China, missile defense has been found woefully lacking. Nevertheless, Moscow professes to believe that our installations in Europe are intended as a defense against Russia's nukes. When it comes to nuclear weapons, you have to keep your eye on the ball.

The end is at hand. The 4th Seal was opened on the 3rd February 2011, in the midst of riots in Cairo, Egypt. Be ready to face the coming prophecies as recorded in OT, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation, etc. before the opening of the 5th Seal (The period of the Great Tribulation) and then the 6th Seal

The New Pope in The Prophecy ~ Tom Horn - Prophecies & Rumours of Prophecies on Trunews

The New Pope in The Prophecy ~ Tom Horn - Prophecies & Rumours of Prophecies on Trunews : Pope's Resignation presaged in obscure 60-year old French Jesuit codex; ancient Zohar prophecy foretells rise of the antichrist and destruction of Rome, possibly coinciding with a Papal conclave; 12th Century prophecy foresees advent of Final Pope and Obama prepares to ride into Jerusalem for Passover week...more intrigue and bizarre unprecedented conspiracy than anything Ian Fleming, Malachi Martin and Tom Clancy could have hoped to collaborate.

North Korea threatens to start WW3

Build-up-to-WW3-N-KOREA-Vows-to-LAUNCH-a­-NUCLEAR-ATTACK-on-the-U-S-Citizens-Read­y-for-WAR North Korea's third nuclear test and threats of military action are "completely unacceptable", U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in remarks published on Saturday, urging Pyongyang to feed its people and seek peace with South Korea. North Korea threatened the United States on Thursday with a pre-emptive nuclear strike and has scrapped the armistice with Washington that ended hostilities in the 1950-53 Korean War. That followed its third nuclear test on February 12, in defiance of U.N. resolutions, drawing further U.N. Security Council sanctions against the reclusive East Asian state. Asked by Austria's Profil magazine about North Korea's nuclear test, military exercises and threats, Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister, said: "I find this completely unacceptable and it is also a challenge for the international community." He said in an interview with Profil that he had urged the North Korean leadership to focus on the welfare of its own people in the face of serious economic problems. "There is a serious humanitarian crisis in North Korea. Many people suffer from malnutrition," he said, calling for dialogue and peaceful exchanges with South Korea. "(South) Korea has just elected a new president. That would be good timing for the leadership of the two parties to the conflict to discuss seriously how to encourage national reconciliation and to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula, also in view of a possible reunification of the country." North Korea formally rejected a U.N. Security Council resolution on Saturday demanding an end to its nuclear arms program and China called for calm, saying sanctions were not the "fundamental" way to resolve tensions. North Korea has vowed to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States, amplifying its threatening rhetoric hours before athe UN security council voted to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang for a recent nuclear test. An unidentified spokesman for Pyongyang's foreign ministry said the North will exercise its right for "pre-emptive nuclear strikes on the headquarters of the aggressors" because Washington is pushing to start a nuclear war against it. Although North Korea boasts of nuclear bombs and pre-emptive strikes, it is not thought to have mastered the ability to produce a warhead small enough to put on a missile capable of reaching the US. It is believed to have enough nuclear fuel, however, for a handful of cruder devices. Such inflammatory rhetoric is common from North Korea, but it has been coming regularly in recent days. The Pyongyang regime is angry over the possible sanctions and over upcoming US-South Korean military drills. At the UN in New York, the US-drafted resolution was approved unanimously by the 15-nation security council. It came after three weeks of negotiations between the US and China after North Korea's latest nuclear test on 12 February. "north korea" nuclear strike nuke test missile tv media news rights "nuclear attack" statement korean korea country enemy u.s. america american sanctions "united states" un "united nations" communist bomb warhead "world war 3" ww3 "world war" war future trends research anger 2013 citizens truth agenda "kim jong un" crazy "red dawn" movie unseen forces nwo "new world order" illuminati alex jones prediction iran china israel mw3 david icke lindsey williams bilderberg elite control west farrakhan gerald celente 829speedy The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, a former South Korean foreign minister, said the resolution "sent an unequivocal message to [North Korea] that the international community will not tolerate its pursuit of nuclear weapons." The resolution specifies some luxury items that North Korea's elite will not be allowed to import, such as yachts, racing cars, luxury automobiles and certain types of jewelry. This is to close a loophole that previously allowed countries to decide for themselves what constitutes a luxury good. Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said: "The strength, breadth and severity of these sanctions will raise the cost to North Korea of its illicit nuclear program and further constrain its ability to finance and source materials and technology for its ballistic missile, conventional and nuclear weapons program, "When North Korea tries to move money to pay for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, countries must now block those transfers even if the money is being carried in suitcases full of bulk cash," she said.