Saturday, November 14, 2009

Raw footage of weapons depot inferno in Russia

Arsenal Inferno: Massive arms stock blast in Russia

Russia's Ministry of Defence says at least two military firefighters are dead after a series of blasts at a weapons storage facility in central Russia. Officials say 43 people have been rescued from a bomb shelter at the site near Ulyanovsk (Ульяновск), as emergency crews battled the flames.

Russia Ulyanovsk blast weapon depot blast arsenal explosion weapons stock blast shocking inferno Россия Ульяновск взрыв арсенал взрыв склад боеприпасов Russia Ulyanovsk blast weapon depot blast arsenal explosion weapons stock blast shocking inferno Россия Ульяновск взрыв арсенал взрыв склад боеприпасов пожар

Chuck Norris and Sean Hannity Ron Paul is a NUT !!!!!!!

The Conservatives Sean Hannity and Chuck Norris call libertarian and ex presidential candidate Dr Ron Paul NUTTS !!!!

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Hannity and Chuck Norris that Ron Paul is nuts !!!!

The Conservatives Sean Hannity and Chuck Norris call libertarian and ex presidential candidate Dr Ron Paul NUTTS !!!!

ron paul hannity campaign for liberty propaganda new world order neocons daily ron paul alex jones nwo new world order jow biden barack obama john mccain campaign for liberty we are change 9/11 truth dl d.l. hughley cnn fox news inside job illuminati irs federal reserve gold standard iraq economic collapse 2012 economy north korea medical marijuana peter schiff rachel maddow police state trooper policeman policemen paramedic ambulance choked beating beat brutality cops cop rand amazing atheist