Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama speech from Hawaii on the Terrorist attack

Obama Outlines Steps U.S. Taking to Protect Ski

President Barack Obama says he has ordered a review of the nation's watchlist system and of air safety regulations, and has asked his national security team to keep up the pressure on terrorists aimed at attacking the U.S. (Dec. 28)

Chinese man throws bicycle at two purse snatchers

Chinese man throws bicycle at two purse snatchers. After seeing two guys on a scooter snatch a woman's purse this man put a stop to the get-a-way. He slams them with his bike which delayed the escape until reinforcements arrived :) We should have people like this brave man and the posse in every country

America follows Soviet footsteps in Afghanistan

Co-founder of the Reagan Doctrine, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher speaks about the war in Afghanistan

The American presence in Afghanistan has been a thorny issue on Capitol Hill. And many politicians compare the U.S. experience to the Soviet campaign in the 1980s. Co-founder of the Reagan Doctrine, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, describes one possible solution.