Sunday, January 6, 2013

David Icke Police State U S Wake Up America

American policemen are being recruited based on their low levels of intelligence (borderline retardation and below is the standard to get in) while the older generation who have souls left and conscience are quiting because they are disgusted. The criteria to get in the police force is also, and obviously, you need to show qualities of a bully and a coward who is willing to threaten, intimidate and electrocte women children and the elderly. The American dream: LIVING IN DENIAL

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, are they in for a surprise !... and it will come from inner-city gang members in possession of illegal guns (The very same miscreants in ghetto areas of "gun-free" States (Illinois, NY,Michigan, NJersey, etc) that continue to prey upon innocents because EXISTING gun-laws are not being enforced by Affirmative-Action morons in the WH and Dept of Justice.
